Five People You Must Know In The ADHD Medication Names Industry

Five People You Must Know In The ADHD Medication Names Industry

ADHD Medication Names

Stimulants increase the levels of brain chemicals dopamine and norepinephrine that treat ADHD symptoms. They are available in immediate-release (short-acting) and extended-release tablets, liquid and patches.

Stimulants include dextroamphetamine, dextro, and Adderall. Lisdexamfetamine is available as a four-hour capsule or a tablet.


The most common medicine for ADHD is stimulants. They work well for 70 to 80% of adults and children. These medications increase hormones such as dopamine and norepinephrine levels in the brain, which helps you think more clearly, pay more attention and manage impulses. Most stimulants are effective within 30 minutes.  adhd stimulant medication  can decrease the amount of interruptions and fidgeting. They can also aid in focusing, completing tasks and improve your relationships. However, they won't eliminate all your symptoms or stop you from experiencing adverse effects.

Stimulant medicines are available in both short- and long-acting dosages. Short-acting stimulants peak after a few hours, and require 2-3 daily dosages. Long-acting stimulants are taken daily. Some sufferers experience an "crash" when the effects of the drug wear off, leading to an abrupt decrease in mood and energy, or an intense hunger. If you experience this the doctor could prescribe an intermediate stimulant to bridge the gap between doses or change you to a longer-acting medication.

buy adhd medication online  are the most common stimulant medications for ADHD, but they also have a long history of misuse and abuse as recreational drugs or performance-enhancing substances. Both prescription and over-the counter versions are available, but when they are smoked or injected they quickly reach the brain and trigger an adrenaline rush. They've been used by students, athletes truck drivers, soldiers, and other athletes. In 2017, two percent of Canadian students reported using amphetamines to get high.

Methylphenidate is similar to amphetamines in that it blocks the reuptake norepinephrine, and dopamine from the brain. It is available in oral tablets that have immediate-release, controlled-release and extended-release. These can be taken either once or twice every day. It's also sold under the brand name Focalin.

Atomoxetine is a FDA-approved drug for ADHD that boosts the amount of noradrenaline found in your brain. It is available as a capsule or tablet that can be taken either once or twice daily. Atomoxetine is approved for use by adults and adolescents over the age of 5.

Other medications for ADHD

Some people find stimulants don't work or cause unpleasant side effects. Their doctor may then try other medications to treat ADHD. Nonstimulants, or a mix of stimulants and nonstimulants, can help you stay focused on your task and manage your emotions. They include Strattera, Tenex (which will be discontinued in 2023), Kapvay, and Intuniv.

It can take a while to find the perfect ADHD medication for you or your child. Be patient and work with your doctor to find a dosage, medication and schedule that work best for you. Use this chart to assist you remember the names of some of the most sought-after ADHD medications that include stimulants such as Adderall and Vyvanse and nonstimulants such as Strattera, Tenex, Intuniv and Qelbree. Click on the name of each medication to find out more about its effects, dosages and formulations.